Auchan Ukraine is a hypermarket with very favorable price offers, quality goods and attentive attitude to the consumer. This is exactly what we needed to show in the new advertising communication “WOW Auchan”. Bird became the key image of the promotional campaign, announcing 4 periods of cool offers and low prices. 4 bright weeks of super benefits! And that’s wow! The slogan of the campaign was “Surprise how profitable!” Slogans of the weeks, colors and directions were also chosen. The main task of communication is to stimulate sales. To achieve the set goals, the mechanics of the campaign were used – “discounts -50%” and “1+1 product”. Thanks to the multi-stage system of offers, a significant increase in sales is stimulated, and buyers are repeatedly involved in the campaign.
Be surprised how profitable!
Various communication channels were used in the promotional campaign. In the off-line space, we designed points of sale, developed catalogs of offers, boards, subway layouts and postcards, bonus cards and much more. In all printed materials, we marked the coolest products with qr codes. In order to be able to order this delicacy without leaving the pages of the catalog or postcard.
In the digital environment, it is e-mail distribution of advantageous offers, banner advertising and social networks.
У діджитал середовищі це e-mail розсилка вигідних пропозицій, банерна реклама та соц мережі.
And we created very cute characters on the pages of catalogs and online. They added a lot of emotion and mood to each product. From look